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Generally, there are insufficient studies on occupational health and safety in Africa. This study examines how District Health Information Software (DHIS) can be used as a health information systems infrastructure tool for occupational health and safety. Health Information System data is vital, yet most developing countries' health data collection, collation, compilation, analysis, and reporting is inadequate, inaccurate, and untimely, making it unusable for decision-making. The goal is to examine how various user perceptions affect work-related security and health behavior. The objective is to conduct a baseline study to examine New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD’s) challenges in sharing occupational health and safety data with regional partners. This report investigates DHIS as an information infrastructure. The study also identifies factors that affect Occupational Health Information System Management acceptability and utilization using the Unified Theory of Acceptability and utilization of Technology (UTAUT) Model. The researcher used a descriptive research approach in which questionnaires were distributed to a randomly selected group. The acquired data was analyzed using descriptive and correlation analysis in the social package for statistical sciences software (SPSS). It used the descriptive analysis, to find a relationship between individuals’ intention to use Occupational Health Information Management System and their belief that the system would improve their performance and efficiency in carrying out their tasks. The study will conclude the hypotheses stated, Effort Expectancy, Performance Expectancy and Social Influence significantly influence behavioral Intentions for users to use occupation health information management system.